Day 4 of 10 Days of Prayer

Welcome to DAY 4 of our 10 DAYS OF PRAYER
By: Kelly Michalczyk

We are going to focus our prayers on people who have not encountered and embraced Jesus yet.

2017 is a year where many people are going to meet Jesus! Those who have met him, but haven’t nurtured that relationship will be drawn to Him this year!

2 Peter 3:9 says that God does not want anybody to perish.

Psalm 22:27 says that the whole earth will acknowledge and return to Him.

Romans 2:4 says that He is drawing people to Himself by His kindness.

If you are praying for people who need to come back to their relationship with Jesus, check out these verses:

Psalm 25:8 says that He shows the proper path to those who go astray.

Joshua 24:15 tells us that our family will serve the Lord.

We read in Job 22:28-29 that if someone is brought low, we can say God will save the downcast, and He will help them up!

This is the year, your loved one remembers Jesus!  This is the year we see at least 500 in attendance at Impact Church.


1. Let us believe for at least 500 people at Impact Church this year, and the opportunity to invite many to our services.

2. Pray for people to return to Jesus.

3. Pray for divine appointments and opportunities to share the Good News of Jesus.

8 replies
  1. Brian
    Brian says:

    Truly let us agree that God is good and God is kind and God wants a relationship with all. Then let us agree and understand that God dwells in us. Therefore, let us show the loving, kind, forgiving, long-suffering (all His attributes) towards others, especially those closest to our hearts. Let our prayers be unhindered through unforgiveness and self based thinking. Let us be God inside minded!

    500? Why not let’s believe together and get prepared!

    Be Blessed and a blessing!

  2. Michael
    Michael says:

    Do you realize that all the wealth of his extravagant kindness is meant to melt your heart and lead you into repentance? (Romans 2:4 TPT)

    Yes, Father, we proclaim that it is through Your extravagant kindness and goodness in Jesus that hearts will be melted and lives and families will be changed forever. We trust you, Jesus, because we believe Your deepest longing is to draw all people to the loving heart of our Heavenly Father. Let Your loving kindness shine through us so that others will desire to come, see and experience that You are such a good good Father.

  3. Gail Adams
    Gail Adams says:

    I stand in agreement with all those that lift up this prayer to the Lord, Kelly. Let us claim this year a year of overfilling and overflowing in the true worship centres. Bring them in from the East. From the West, From the North and the South. Bring them in, to not just sit and look at their watches, but to enter with open ears, and an open heart. Let them feel the very presence of He who is and who is to come! Praise His Holy name for their is no other that man can be saved.

  4. Katelyn Harris
    Katelyn Harris says:

    Preach it, Kelly!!

    This IS the year of supernatural breakthrough, when those who were formerly resistant to change and the truth of Jesus will come to believe in a whole new way through the power of Holy Spirit. This IS the year that eyes and ears will become opened and hearts and minds will be renewed. This IS the year that old relationships will be mended and new relationships will be formed, by God’s grace.

    The intergenerational curse and genetic and environmental limitations HAVE BEEN broken by the precious blood of Jesus who has regained all authority in the Earth. Let us be faithful walkers of this truth for those who are still deceived.

    As believers in Christ, we must commit ourselves to being an open door that invites people in – with loving kindness and tender mercies, just as our father has invited us in! I am believing for supernatural opportunities to let our lights shine through us and Impact others. I am believing for the divine power of Holy Spirit to lift the veil of darkness that so many are walking in. I am believing for transformation and the instinctual desire of those experiencing it to reach out and jump into the Body of Christ and go deeper into all He has for us.

    Micah 6:6-8 With what shall I come before the Lord to honor Him And bow myself before God on high? Shall I come before Him with burnt offerings, With yearling calves? Will the Lord be delighted with thousands of rams, Or with ten thousand rivers of oil? Shall I present my firstborn for my acts of rebellion, The fruit of my body for the sin of my soul? He has told you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you Except to be just, and to love and to diligently practice kindness compassion, And to walk humbly with your God setting aside any overblown sense of importance or self-righteousness?

  5. D. Karl Thomas
    D. Karl Thomas says:

    I agree … return, recovery, and restoration … we declare that 2017 is the year where we see desires realized … family restored… dreams resurrected … in Jesus Name!!!

    • Karen Elliott
      Karen Elliott says:

      That is what God keeps saying to me in dreams and other ways, that we are entering a time of resurrection power, restoration and a season of divine reversal!

  6. Sheryl Sullivan
    Sheryl Sullivan says:

    Amen! Believing for many people to come to a knowledge of the goodness of God! Lord we ask for their eyes to be opened to see who you really are and that you want to bring them close to you in an intimate relationship. We believe that the fields are ripe for the harvest and we ask for labourers to bring it in! Send us Lord!

  7. Terry and Deborah DewanTerry Dewan
    Terry and Deborah DewanTerry Dewan says:

    Awesome thoughts Kelly..We Pray and believe that God will draw many, many people to him. We pray for returning believers to feel God’s kindness and Peace and with that Peace they will get together with other believers in churches.

    We pray and believe in a swelling of our membership here at Impact Church to over 5oo NEW believers to start attending here….Praise God….

    We pray for more divine appointments to share Jesus and his LOVE….


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