#266 W.I.J.D. Series# 1, Challenge

#266 W.I.J.D. Series# 1, Challenge
By: Pastor Karl Thomas

Religious leaders of Jesus day did not go through Samaria.   MAP
John 4:4 “But He needed to go through Samaria.”

W. Wiersbe writes in his commentary:
“So intense was their dislike of the Samaritans that some of the Pharisees prayed that no Samaritan would be raised in the resurrection!”

People of God sent back by Babylon to set up temple … samaritans wanted to help … get out Half breeds
SO – the Samaritans went back home and built their own Temple on Mt Gerizim. AND – created their own version of the Abrahamic faith… They edited the bible… kept created their own worship center on Mount Gerizim…

The hatred between continue to grow over the years… AND – in the year 128 B.C… when the Jews had gained enough power they stormed Mt Gerizim and destroyed the alternate temple that had been built there. AGAIN – the relationship between Jews and Samaritans at the time of Christ was one of deep running hatred.

UNDERSTAND – the women of Jesus’ day and time – whether Jewish, Samaritan, or full-fledged Gentile – were for the most part deemed unworthy of respect, education, and religious training.

John 4:1-30, 39-42
4 Therefore, when the Lord knew that the Pharisees had heard that Jesus made and baptized more disciples than John 2 (though Jesus Himself did not baptize, but His disciples), 3 He left Judea and departed again to Galilee. 4 But He needed to go through Samaria.
5 So He came to a city of Samaria which is called Sychar, near the plot of ground that Jacob gave to his son Joseph. 6 Now Jacob’s well was there. Jesus therefore, being wearied from His journey, sat thus by the well. It was about the sixth hour. (NOON)
7 A woman of Samaria came to draw water.
She was once a little girl … played dreamed hoped … now she was waiting until the worst part of the day to draw water because she beaten down by life. 

She sees the well … a man sitting on it … a jewish man … a rabbi … I have to get water … I’ll face the abuse.

Jesus said to her, Give Me a drink.” 8 For His disciples had gone away into the city to buy food.

He speaks to the woman and then asks her a very intimate question … WHAT!!!!!

9 Then the woman of Samaria said to Him, “How is it that You, being a Jew, ask a drink from me, a Samaritan woman?” For Jews have no dealings with Samaritans.
10 Jesus answered and said to her, If you knew the gift of God, and who it is who says to you, ‘Give Me a drink,’ you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water.” 

If you only knew who I AM!!!

11 The woman said to Him, “Sir, You have nothing to draw with, and the well is deep. Where then do You get that living water? 12 Are You greater than our father Jacob, who gave us the well, and drank from it himself, as well as his sons and his livestock?”

13 Jesus answered and said to her, “Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again, 14 but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.”
15 The woman said to Him, “Sir, give me this water, that I may not thirst, nor come here to draw.”

sounds good … I’ll have some … this is the best news I’ve heard … HOPE RISING 

JESUS THEN MEDDLES A BIT   WHY???   lets not just give you a future lets heal you of all your hurtful past

16 Jesus said to her, “Go, call your husband, and come here.”
17 The woman answered and said, “I have no husband.”

Jesus said to her, “You have well said, ‘I have no husband,’ 18 for you have had five husbands, and the one whom you now have is not your husband; in that you spoke truly.”

OUCH … I better change the subject … lets just say I attend a different church …ideology … beliefs

19 The woman said to Him, “Sir, I perceive that You are a prophet. 20 Our fathers worshiped on this mountain, and you Jews say that in Jerusalem is the place where one ought to worship.”


Jesus … yes … I have found a thirsty one … His countenance brightens!!!

21 Jesus said to her, “Woman, believe Me, the hour is coming when you will neither on this mountain, nor in Jerusalem, worship the Father. 22 You worship what you do not know; we know what we worship, for salvation is of the Jews. 23 But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. 24 God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”

Its not about what you believe but who you believe in … its about a relationship with the living God

25 The woman said to Him, “I know that Messiah is coming” (who is called Christ). “When He comes, He will tell us all things.”

This could be the hope we have all been waiting for!!!

26 Jesus said to her, “I who speak to you am He.”

27 And at this point His disciples came, and they marveled that He talked with a woman; yet no one said, “What do You seek?” or, “Why are You talking with her?”

28 The woman then left her waterpot, went her way into the city, and said to the men, 29 “Come, see a Man who told me all things that I ever did. Could this be the Christ?”


30 Then they went out of the city and came to Him.  So powerfully set free that those who despised her were made thirsty as well … I want what she has!!!


39 And many of the Samaritans of that city believed in Him because of the word of the woman who testified, “He told me all that I ever did.” 40 So when the Samaritans had come to Him, they urged Him to stay with them; and He stayed there two days. 41 And many more believed because of His own word.
42 Then they said to the woman, “Now we believe, not because of what you said, for we ourselves have heard Him and we know that this is indeed the Christ,[a] the Savior of the world.” 

Acts 1:8  “But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses (Martus) to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”  

My favourite quote “No pain, No pain” 

This year … healthy fit … food is fuel … body is temple … 2x’s worked out 

beach body … belly button … inny /  outy /  Me   HELICOPTER PAD 

I avoid pain … comfort … yesterday … in the rain …ouch  Yoga workout “Restorative yoga” … lay on floor

Matthew 16:21-23
“From that time Jesus began to show to His disciples that He must go to Jerusalem, and suffer many things from the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be raised the third day.
22 Then Peter took Him aside and began to rebuke Him, saying, “Far be it from You, Lord; this shall not happen to You!”
23 But He turned and said to Peter, “Get behind Me, Satan! You are an offense to Me, for you are not mindful of the things of God, but the things of men.”

Philippians 2:5-9
Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, 6 who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, 7 but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men. 8 And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross. 9 Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name,”

2 Corinthians 5:19-20
“God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not imputing their trespasses to them, and has committed to us the word of reconciliation
“… Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us: we implore you on Christ’s behalf, be reconciled to God.”

1 John 4:17  “…because as He is, so are we in this world.”

1 Corinthians 15:10
“But by the grace of God I am what I am, and His grace toward me was not in vain; but I labored more abundantly than they all, yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me.”

1 John 4:4 “He needed to go through Samaria.”
Lads it’s time to confront what you have been taught to avoid!
Time to confront your discomfort.
Time to confront your comfort.

1 John 4:34  “Jesus said to them, ‘My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me, and to finish His work.’”

266 W.I.J.D. Series# 1, Challenge, PowerPoint Slides


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