10 Days Of Prayer 2019 — Day #1

10 Days Of Prayer 2019 — Day #1
By: D. Karl Thomas

On the way home from Alabama I created a new playlist for the drive, and I added one of my favourite songs for the 90’s; New Radicals “You Only Get What you Give.” 

When I heard it the first time, I played it again several times. It was speaking to me.It’s time for the New Radicals to rise up. It’s time to be the authentic outstanding you!!! 

Some of the lyrics:
“But when the night is falling   You cannot find the light
You feel your dreams are dying   Hold tight
You’ve got the music in you   Don’t let go
You’ve got the music in you   One dance left
This world is gonna pull through   Don’t give up
You’ve got a reason to live    Can’t forget
We only get what we give” 

I don’t know about you but I have a lot of seed in the soil. A lot of tears sow that I am going to reap with JOY!!!It’s time to be outstanding in 2019!!!  

Hold Tight! — Don’t Let Go! — Dance! — Don’t Give Up — GIVE!!! 

Outstanding:—Standing out among others of its kind; prominent, distinguished, extremely good or excellent; easy to notice especially because of being important or very good. 

Ephesians 2:10“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” 

Psalms 139:14“I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.”      

Position yourself for an OUTSTANDING 2019 —

Matthew 6:33
“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.”

How Do We Put God First?
1. With Your Treasure
Matthew 6:21“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Your heart follows your money
Luke 6:38“Give, and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over…”

2. With Your Talent
Romans 12:3-8“For as we have many members in one body, but all the members do not have the same function … Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them:”

3. With Your Time
1 Corinthians 6:19-20Don’t you see that you can’t live however you please, squandering what God paid such a high price for? The physical part of you is not some piece of property belonging to the spiritual part of you. God owns the whole works. So let people see God in and through your body.”

Ephesians 5:11 (The Message)
“Don’t waste your time on useless work, mere busywork, the barren pursuits of darkness. Expose these things for the sham they are….Wake up from your sleep,… So watch your step. Use your head. Make the most of every chance you get.”

We can do this because He Is resolved to:

He will be with us
John 14:16 “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate,[a] who will never leave you.”

He is for us
Romans 8:31 “If God be for us, who can be against us?”

He will empower us
Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ[a] who strengthens me.”

He will provide for us
Philippians 4:19 “And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.” 

He will protect us
Acts 18:10 “For I am with you, and no one will attack and harm you,…”


Pray for God to make you fully aware of the wonderful authentic you. Ask Him to soak you in a deeper revelation of the Fathers love. 

Pray for the understanding of all the wonderful benefits of placing Him before you (FIRST) in all things. Thank Him for the joy of partnering with Him in 2019. Joining with Him to bring the fulness of His kingdom in manifestation. 

Confess that you are confident in His plans for you. He is always present, powerful, protecting and providing. Father I surrender to you the first fruits of my treasure, talent and time. 

Confess that He has great plans for our IMPACT family. Proclaim growth and breakthrough in every area. Pray for those all realms of leadership that things will go well for us and we will experience His peace.

Listen to His voice. He is speaking to you. Agree with His word for you. Confess it boldly!!! 

Don’t let go, you’ve got the music in you!!!

Day 1 of 10 Days of Prayer, Notes to print, PDF

27 replies
  1. Gord Watson
    Gord Watson says:

    In the freshness of a new day, in the newness of a year just begun – we your people declare first of all that God is good! His goodness surrounds us and fills us with an unshakeable confidence for the days ahead. Let God arise and His enemies be scattered! Let His people step out of shadows and grayness into to brilliant light of His Son! We choose today to step into divine destiny, giving ourselves to your plans and purposes. We set you first and foremost – let your Will be done in this earth today!

  2. Zach Sloane
    Zach Sloane says:

    Thank You Jesus for making us unique individuals who reflect your nature and glory. Let this year be one of enjoyment and discovery as we see You in us and live out and enjoy the authentic and radical selves that you have crated us to be, by your own design. Thank you for the the ridiculously big pans you have for us, and thank you for your resolution to see them come to pass!

  3. Chuck
    Chuck says:

    Powerful word! Learning that showing up is only half the battle, positioning yourself is the other. Lord, give our leadership strategy, wisdom and insight to know how to position our team, making way for great success and ultimate victory….

  4. Amy
    Amy says:

    The Bible says that the Lord goes before us and that He is good. This means 2019 will be a great year. Thank you Lord for your powerful presence that protects and provides. Thank you for the wonderful results we will see as we partner with you this year.

  5. Judi
    Judi says:

    Thankful for this new year and a new season to walk into. God with us, fighting for us, seeing His provision and protection every step. Miraculous provision for each day. Thanks for the encouragement!

  6. Ludovick
    Ludovick says:

    Thank you Lord for this new beginning.
    Thank you Lord for our Impact family.
    Thank you Lord that you are making us arise again as a church and as individuals.
    Thank you for my Pastors Karl and Cheryl, as well as Zack and Kelly and the entire leadership at Impact , the elders, deacons and all who labour for the advancement of the kingdom work in your house.

  7. Sharon
    Sharon says:

    Thank you , for everything you are going to do in my life this year and thank you for everything you are going to do at Impact Church this year. Thank you for leading and guiding Pastor Karl and Pastor Cheryl and the rest of the leadership. Thank you for drawing us all together in love and in one purpose. Thank you for the spiritual advancement that will take place as we all read the Bible together.

  8. Cheryl
    Cheryl says:

    Thank you God that we are your art work, masterpieces created by you… pray that we shake of the dust that has covered us an reveal to the world the beautiful work you do…Thank you God for a new start may it be our best year yet.

  9. Robin
    Robin says:

    Spiritual Blessings
    Ephesians 1:3
    3 “Blessed [is] the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who did bless us in every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ,”
    I’ve always loved this passage of scripture. Lord help me to unpack this every day this year. Then equip me to spread it to those around me.

  10. Jedrin
    Jedrin says:

    Thank You Lord for a new year, new beginning. Great things are in store for us because we trust in you. You say in Jeremiah 17 that we will not fail to bear fruit. ‘Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom’ in Jesus’ name.

  11. Terry and Deborah Dewan
    Terry and Deborah Dewan says:

    Looking outside my window it looks like just another day, however that is simply not the case at all! This is a new day, a new year and a new opportunity for us to take part in the plans of a divine God who cares so very much for all of us. Looking forward to soaking in His rich love and discovering mercies that are new every morning. .

  12. bobby Sullivan
    bobby Sullivan says:

    It is often hard to see significance in a season of satisfaction. One of the most radical things we can do for 2019 is to committ to significance. In that search Im sure their will be resistence but rest assured resistance is the greatest place for revelation. It is is the resistance that revelation is revealed to become that revolutionary radical. Shoot! There I go again with (R) words.

  13. Sheryl Sullivan
    Sheryl Sullivan says:

    Wow! What a great way to start 2019! God is on the move and I believe He will partner with us to do great things as we engage with Him. I love the first prayer directive, to ask Him to soak us in a deeper revelation of the Father’s love. That’s so powerful because as we get a deeper revelation of His love for us, everything changes. Father I ask as we begin this year that you will soak us like never before in your love, and as we grow in this revelation you will use us to touch others with that love. Flow through us in healing, freedom and breakthrough! We want to see an increase in healings; let faith rise up in us to go after sickness like never before!

  14. Pat Watson
    Pat Watson says:

    There are great things in store for those who put their faith in the Lord and who wait upon Him with trust. Thank you Lord for a new year with new expectations.

  15. Stefan
    Stefan says:

    Agreeing with Pastor Karl – it’s going to be a great year full of God’s blessings. I have been down a bit lately and started to accept my situation instead of believing for something more. It’s good to be reminded that God hasn’t given up on His plan for me even when I can’t see it.

    • Debby Cook
      Debby Cook says:

      Yahweh full of Truth and Grace,
      Show Your Glory in this place,
      A cleft in the Rock you hide me safe,
      As Your goodness passes before my face.
      In Your presence I now have sight,
      My darkness turning into light,
      My soul no longer heavy lays,
      For on the Cross my debts are paid.
      By Debby Cook

  16. Michael
    Michael says:

    As we move into this new year, may we step out in faith and full of expectancy. God is good, His promises are true, and He has already ordained our steps and prepared the path ahead.

  17. Devika Ramroop
    Devika Ramroop says:

    In this first day’s reading, putting God first has been the theme of our family devotion last night, as we look forward to the new year and desire to continue following His plans for our lives. I believe this is no coincidence but the Holy Spirit in confirming His plans at this time. We give Him praise for leading us to this congregation . We desire to go deeper and be a part of the radical manifestation of the presence of God among us to do greater things for Him. God bless you all!

  18. Katelyn
    Katelyn says:

    Hallelujah! Thank you, Lord Jesus, that in you we receive a revelation of who we truly are. May this year be one of radical authenticity in all areas of our lives, as we radiate the love, peace and joy of our Father wherever we go, fully embraced by Your perfect love and creating the space for others to express their authentic selves as well. Let us be free to commit wholeheartedly to all that You have prepared for us… keeping our eyes fixed on you, singing a new song, rejoicing at your Truth, listening for and following your voice, and joining with those you have placed around us as we flow in your endless rivers of grace. In Jesus’ name, I pray 🙏

  19. Madeline De Sousa
    Madeline De Sousa says:

    Thank you God so much for your kindness and your goodness and I pray for deeper revelation in 2019 <3 Thank you Jesus that every area of leadership at IMPACT church would be thriving and plentiful in Jesus name! Thank you Jesus for all of your promises and dreams coming true as we partner with you xo

  20. kelly
    kelly says:

    It’s 2019 and I can feel and believe that everything is new! I believe you do have great plans for me and my Impact Family. I see more Impact Kids. I see more guests. I see more people. I see more influence. I see more mission in London. I see us moving beyond that. And I know that You have resolved to be present in my life. I want to give you the first of all I have. I want to see what life looks like when I enjoy You fully. That is my most authentic me. Help me. Help me join with You. We won’t let go!

  21. Laurie Nicholson
    Laurie Nicholson says:

    The year 2019 is going to be an exciting and amazing year as we, the Impact Church family, walk forward following in each step that our awesome God lays out before us. As we are intentional about putting God first in all things, we will see those wonderful benefits in our own lives and in our church. As we soak in a deeper revelation of Father’s love, we will be authentic and those we cross paths with throughout 2019 will be impacted, affected and infected by God’s great love flowing out through us. I am believing and trusting for an influx of visitors coming to Impact Church who will find Jesus alive and well there and Holy Spirit sweet and powerful there, and visitors will quickly become regulars at the Church and will bring in other visitors, and so on. It’s going to be so fun to witness!!


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