Day 8 of 10 Days of Prayer, Release Your Faith

Day 8 of 10 Days of Prayer, Release Your Faith
By: Pastor Cheryl Thomas

1 John 5:4

“For whatever is born of God is victorious over the world; and this is the victory that conquers the world, even our faith.”  {AMP}

“Every God-begotten person conquers the world’s ways. The conquering power that brings the world to its knees is our faith.”  {MSG}

“…the just shall live by faith.” Hab. 2:4
“…the just shall live by faith.” Rom. 1:17
“…the just shall live by faith.” Gal. 3:11
“…the just shall live by faith.” Heb. 10:38

If God repeats Himself 4x’s don’t you think we should pay attention!

Justice and righteousness in every area of life is a work of faith in the wonderful grace of God.

We were created to live by faith.
Jesus examined people’s faith.
Jesus got excited about people’s faith.
Jesus could see faith.

Mark 2:5
“When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, “Son, your sins are forgiven.”

Faith is a law.
Faith comes by hearing Gods Word.
Faith works by believing and confessing.
Put your faith to work!

Hebrews 11:1 {AMP}

“NOW FAITH is the assurance (the confirmation, the title deed) of the things [we] hope for, being the proof of things [we] do not see and the conviction of their reality [faith perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses].”

Heb. 11:1  {Darby}

“Now faith is [the] substantiating of things hoped for, [the] conviction of things not seen.”
Substantiate:–to make real or concrete; give reality or substance.
Faith is the substance of things!
Nothing exists without faith.

The Journey Of Faith:
1. The Beginning – God’s Word
2. The Middle – My Obedience and My Endurance even in the face of seeming contradictions
3. The End – Worship Miraculous



When you feel everything is lost and you can’t go on … Stop!!! You are very close to the fulfillment of God’s best for your life.

Don’t ever be the victim. You are condemned, by the finished work of the cross, to TRIUMPH!!!

Think of areas where the enemy has tried to steal from you … your family … your church community. Encourage yourself in God and demand your stuff back.

Release your faith. It works by believing in your heart and confessing with your mouth. So get a vision of a preferred future and confess the promise of God into manifestation

We command health to be restored!
We command wealth to be restored!
We command relationships to be restored!
We command passion to be restored!

Thank you for the God kind of faith. We declare those things that are not as though they were and God brings them into manifestation.

8 replies
  1. Judy Bezanson
    Judy Bezanson says:

    Thank You Jesus for the victory. Thank You for all the gifts, restoration and abundance of that victory. We have faith in that victory. We stand in that victory. We are victors with You because You are in us and we in You. Faith, Hope, Grace, and Victory are such wonderful manifestations of Your love for us, Father God. We confess it, believe it will happen and eagerly await the natural manifestations of our faith in Your works, sacrifice and promises. Thank You. Thank You. Thank You, Lord God Almighty! We speak our faith, stand in our faith and release our faith in You! AMEN!

  2. Terry and Deborah DewanTerry Dewan
    Terry and Deborah DewanTerry Dewan says:

    When I look outside this morning, I see a cold, blistering and windy morning. Hey, its Canada and it is winter time. Recently though, I have been thinking of my preferred vision. I see my back yard not covered in snow, but I see the spring season. There are furrows in my yard up and down, and this freshly turned over earth is just awaiting to receive vital green plants that will flourish as they grow. I don’t see a back yard with a fence but a vital body of water lapping at its edges. When the enemy tries to steal our health, we declare that we are healed by the powerful blood of Jesus! When the enemy tries to steal our families, we declare that no weapon that is formed against us shall prosper! I also declare that while we are now ages 64 and 65, age has nothing to do with it. We are victorious in you Lord, We confess you are the One who gives us freshness and vitality and we drink in of you and are restored in every way. Thank you Lord we are the plants whose roots are firmly grounded in you. We declare growth and strength to every Impact family member. Passion renewed. We believe it…NOW FAITH is the assurance (the confirmation, the title deed) of the things [we] hope for, being the proof of things [we] do not see and the conviction of their reality [faith perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses].

  3. Geoff Powell
    Geoff Powell says:

    ALL of God’s promises are Yes! And Amen! That means it is done, He accomplished it on the cross FOR us. But we have to know what His promises are. Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything that is His will He hears us. And if He hears us, He will grant us the petitions we have asked of Him. 1 John 5:14&15. So if you can find the promise in the Word, it’s His will, and if it’s His will you can exercise faith, believing you receive (Mark 11:23&24) you will have your petitions granted. So go for it, it’s time to rejoice and be glad for the joy of the Lord is your strength!

  4. Ron Mills
    Ron Mills says:

    Great object lesson Pastor Cheryl! Well done.

    The evidence of the hope within in us is faith ( Heb 11:1). Faith that His Spirit within us is capable of bringing forth in our lives everything He has promised. At any moment, in every situation, there is a potential within us; waiting to spring forth into manifestation; to provide an answer or solution that reveals a divine origin.

    BUT – Faith works! We are the vehicle God uses to release the knowledge of His glory. Although creation waits in eager expectation, there is no need for us to wait. Our response is to hope in Him, and release our faith to function in that hope. We must WORK our faith into the practical demonstration of His goodness and power. Amen.

  5. Michael
    Michael says:

    In her devotional book, Jesus Calling, Sarah Young prophetically exclaim,: “I AM CALLING YOU TO TRUST IN ME at all times, no matter what is happening. I understand what a difficult assignment this is, and I know that you will sometimes fail in this venture, but I continue to love you perfectly even when you don’t succeed. Let this assurance of My unfailing Love draw you back to Me—back to trusting Me.”

    Holy Spirit, strengthen our faith to confidently declare — JESUS, I TRUST YOU …NO MATTER WHAT ! Thank you for the assurance of your constant presence and unfailing love.

  6. Brian
    Brian says:

    Without faith it is impossible to please God

    It seems that faith is something we take for granted. In a sense we go to sit on a chair and we expect it to hold us. In other words we have placed faith in its ability. We go to start our cars and expect them to start. Unless we haven’t maintained them! Then whose fault is it? (I expect we’ve all had experience with that)

    The point is to live and pray with expectational (probably not a word) faith.

    I agree as touching all the hopes and concerns expressed in faith and expect to hear the reports of praise to God!

  7. Sharon Bruder
    Sharon Bruder says:

    Yes, Pastor Cheryl,
    We exercise our faith just like we exercise our body. The more we exercise our faith the more it is built up. Jesus please help us to believe for bigger and bigger muscles in our spirits.


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