Day 4 of 10 Days of Prayer
10 Days Of Prayer

Today we have our final sermon in our series #INVITE. I’ve enjoyed this series and this morning is going to be great. We are also anointing people with oil. We have had a few requests for anointing prayer. We are also praying for those going back to school and others in transition.I have so enjoyed reading your prayers and comments. I blessed and inspired by your partnership.

I hope you are handing out your “DOORS” cards. I have already received positive feedback from those who have been handing them out and inviting family and friends.

Today I want to encourage you with some good old quotes on prayer. Here ya go!

Praying For The Harvest!

We can do more than pray for the lost. But, only after we have prayed for the lost. A genuine vision of ETERNITY will include your neighbour.

John 4:34-35 (The Message) “Jesus said, “The food that keeps me going is that I do the will of the One who sent me, finishing the work he started. As you look around right now, wouldn’t you say that in about four months it will be time to harvest? Well, I’m telling you to open your eyes and take a good look at what’s right in front of you. These Samaritan fields are ripe. It’s harvest time!”

2 Peter 3:9 “The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is long suffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.”

“Your will be done, Your Kingdom come.”

EVERYTHING vital to the success of the world’s evangelization hinges on prayer. John R Mott

The Son of God had five thousand when He was feeding them with the loaves and fishes, He had a multitude when He was opening the eyes of the blind, but when He was sweating the death sweat for a lost world, He was alone. Charles Stalker

A secularized or self-centered church can never evangelize the world. John R Mott

It is possible to evangelize the world in this generation, if the church will but do her duty. The trouble is NOT with the heathen. A dead church will prevent it, if it is prevented. John Griffeth

If we don’t pray, we serve no purpose in God’s framework of eternity. Charles Stanley

My own conversion is the result of prayer; long, affectionate, earnest, and importunate. Parents prayed for me; God heard their cries, and here I am to preach the Gospel. Charles H. Spurgeon

God has no greater controversy with His people today than this, that with boundless promises to believing prayer, there are so few who actually give themselves unto intercession A.T. Pierson

Perhaps there are no conversions in our churches because we have not seen how impossible it is for the non-Christian mind to believe. It is only when God opens their hearts to understand the message of Christ that they can accept Him. Hearts will be made receptive only as we pray. Hearts are prepared to receive the message of Christ through prayer. The gospel is eternal and spiritual in nature. Man in his natural, fallen state cannot comprehend such a message; it is foreign to his natural state of being. Therefore, we must pray that their spiritual eyes be opened. Sammy Tippit

God alone can save the world, but God cannot save the world alone. God and man unite for the task, the response of the divine being invariably in proportion to the desire and the effort of the human. This cooperation, then, being necessary, what is the duty which we, as co-workers with God, are required to undertake? First of all, and most important of all – the point which we desire particularly to emphasize – we must give ourselves to prayer. E.M. Bounds

Some have zealously used truth to convert men, and laid very little stress on prayer. They have preached, and talked, and distributed tracts with great zeal, and then wondered that they had so little success. And the reason was that they forgot to use the other branch of the means, effectual prayer. They overlooked the fact that truth, by itself, will never produce the effect, without the Spirit of God, and that the Spirit is given in answer to prayer. Charles Finney

Whether we like it or not, asking is the rule of the Kingdom. If you may have everything by asking in His name and nothing without asking, I beg you to see how absolutely vital prayer is. Charles Spurgeon

The heart of God hungers to redeem the world. For that He placed in human hands the mightiest of all forces-prayer, that we might become partners with Him….There is no thing we need so much as to learn to pray. The greatest thing anyone can do for God and man is to pray. It is not the only thing. But is the chief thing….you can do more than pray, after you have prayed. But you can not do more than pray until you have prayed. S.D Gordon

Intercessory prayer is the Christian’s most effective weapon. Nothing can withstand its power. It will do things when all else has failed. And the marvel is that we turn to other agencies in order to accomplish what only prayer can bring to pass. God has placed this mighty weapon in our hands, and He expects us to use it. How disappointed He must be when we lay aside and substitute natural means for supernatural work. Oswald J. Smith

If sinners be damned, at least let them leap to Hell over our bodies. If they will perish let them perish with our arms about their knees. Let no one go there UNWARNED and UNPRAYED for. Charles Spurgeon


1. Pray for the Harvest

2. Pray the Lord of the harvest send out labourers

3. Pray for service today

4. Pray for September 7th

5. Pray for the Elders of IMPACT and our other servant leaders

6. Pray for your lost loved ones … They will be saved!!!

6 replies
  1. John watt
    John watt says:

    We believe (as Jesus believes) rejoice and receive answers to our faith filled and trusting prayers. You are a good God and your mercy FAITHFULNESS and loving kindness endure forever.

  2. Karl Thomas
    Karl Thomas says:

    Excited about the service today. The corporate anointing is powerful. We declare a full expression of SALVATION! People are forgiven, healed and FREE!!! Thank you for this season of great harvest.

  3. Stefan Nichol
    Stefan Nichol says:

    Although, as Paul states in Ephesians 2: 8, “… by grace you have been saved through faith…”, I believe, “… faith by itself, if it has no works, is dead.”(James 2: 17). Ephesians 2: 10, states, “For we are what he has made us, created in Christ Jesus for good works…”. If we are not doing good works, what were we created for? Not all of us have the means to provide food, drink, clothing, or, shelter to those in need, or, to bury the dead. However, each and every one of us, has the ability to pray for one another.
    I look forward to having the elders anoint me with oil and pray over me today.

  4. Gord Watson
    Gord Watson says:

    Father, Your unstoppable glory will be seen in and among Your people. As we stand in declaration of Your goodness (Your Glory), all will be drawn to Your salvation. Fill us and the earth with Your presence! Today is overflowing with fresh anointing and great potential for powerful miracles!

  5. Madeline
    Madeline says:

    Thank you Father for the massive amount of souls that are coming into the Kingdom, we pray them in. I declare that service on Sunday Sept 7 is going to be packed with hungry souls. We pray for all the servants at impact church! They are such a blessing and as they pour out/serve, you continually fill them up with all your goodness and love

  6. Deborah Dewan
    Deborah Dewan says:

    Father God, I think back to when I had people praying for me when I was searching for you. I know that a friend at work was praying for me and answering all of my questions. My sister in Texas was praying for me and her church. I may never know all of the people who were praying for my salvation. How can I do anything less.? Right now Lord, I do pray that your love woos more and more people into your arms of mercy. Let them know that they do not have to wait until they are “better, wiser, or even braver” to come into your family. Let them dare to receive and open your loving gift of salvation and all that grace and love that follows. Thank you Jesus for what you did for us.


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