Day# 4 of 10 Days of Prayer

Day# 4 of 10 Days Of Prayer

September 4, 2015

Welcome to Day 4 of ten days of prayer. It is Cheryl’s Birthday!!! I am blessed with a wonderful wife. So honoured to do life with her. Help me show her some love today!

Continuing with the prayer that made the earth shake. Acts 4:23-31

We are going to get results as we pray!!!

The first thing we do is: Focus On The Lord — Magnify His Great Name!

The second thing we do is: Get A Proper Perspective Of Our Adversaries.

The third thing is: Lord grant us all BOLDNESS!

“There is no panic in Heaven, only plans.” Plans for you. Plans for your prosperity. Plans for your hope and future. God works through opposition! His kingdom will come and what He wants to happen will happen, regardless of the enemy’s efforts to oppose Him. Many sons will come to Glory. There is going to be a large harvest!!! 

Acts 4:29  “… grant to Your servants that with all boldness they may speak Your word.

In the book of Acts the word was a big deal.

Acts 2:40-42   “…accepted and welcomed his messagedevoting themselves constantly to the instruction…”

Acts 4:4 “…those who heard the message believed…”

Acts 5:20 “…declare to the people the whole doctrine…”

Acts 6:2 It is not seemly or desirable or right that we should have to give up or neglect [preaching] the Word of God…” 

Acts 6:7 “…the message of God kept on spreading, and the number of disciples multiplied greatly…”

Acts 8:4 “…went about preaching the glad tidings, the Word.

Acts 12:24 But the Word of the Lord continued to grow and spread.

Acts 13:44 “…the entire city gathered together to hear the Word of God

Acts 13:49 And so the Word of the Lord scattered and spread throughout the whole region.

Acts 14:3 “…who continued to bear testimony to the Word of His grace, granting signs and wonders to be performed by their hands.

Acts 19:20 Thus the Word of the Lord grew and spread and intensified, prevailing mightily.

The Word of God, the message of God, the glad tidings, the Word of His grace, was being shared by the believers. It was powerful and caused many to believe. It spread and intensified, prevailing mightily and filled whole regions.

The prayer that shakes the earth is a prayer that asked for boldness to proclaim the life changing message of the gracious glad tidings of a risen Saviour.

Are you ready to ask God to use you to proclaim the Good News to this lost world with POWER?

2 Corinthians 5:20 (NLT) We are Christ’s ambassadors, and God is using us to speak to you. We urge you, as though Christ himself were here pleading with you, “Be reconciled to God!”             

Listen to Paul’s passion for His lost brothers:
Romans 9:1-3With Christ as my witness, I speak with utter truthfulness. My conscience and the Holy Spirit confirm it. My heart is filled with bitter sorrow and unending grief for my people, my Jewish brothers and sisters. I would be willing to be forever cursedcut off from Christ!if that would save them.

How Passionate are we about bringing the lost to Jesus?
Cheetah — Gifted with 70m/hr speed but can only sustain it briefly because of a small heart.
How big is your heart for the lost? 

I love these 4 guys in Mark 2:1-12. They were willing to tear the roof off a house to get their friend in front of Jesus. They were not willing to let anything or anyone hinder them from seeing their lame friend totally set free. They got the results they desired. His sins were forgiven and he left carrying His bed.

We need to boldly present our world with the prevailing glad tidings, the Word of His grace, that will cause them to experience the full freedom of our risen saviour.



Spend some time making God big in your life. Proclaim His greatness!!!

Now with your position In Him firmly established, confront your enemies with one of the most powerful weapons — Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!!! Yes your situation may be very serious and it may be threatening to you … BUT God is bigger and He has better plans for you. His purpose cannot be overcome. REJOICE!!!

Pray with me for ALL BOLDNESS to come upon God’s people!

Pray that the Word would go forward and prevail in the whole region.

Pray: Romans 1:16-17 For I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ. It is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believesthe Jew first and also the Gentile.17 This Good News tells us how God makes us right in his sight. This is accomplished from start to finish by faith.

The Gospel is the power of God to change our world!!!

Pray: Matthew 9:37-38  He said to his disciples, The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.


2 Corinthians 5:20 (NLT) We are Christ’s ambassadors, and God is using us to speak to you. We urge you, as though Christ himself were here pleading with you, “Be reconciled to God!

6 replies
  1. James Goodwin
    James Goodwin says:

    Ah. about 7 years ago, the word of The Lord came to me, letting me know there was a plan afoot in the enemies camp “to take me out”. I declare today that season is over and behind me, I am not unscathed but I am standing stronger and still with a fervent and proven unrelenting passion to Love. And I have a desire to return upon that camp, the favour of, it’s your turn to suffer loss..It’s time to set many people free to freely Love the one who Loves them most. One of the ways to intercede is to speak again the Word of The Lord. To do that, Dad, we must first have your word hidden and openly displayed in our hearts. Holy Spirit, this is one of many places where we need you most. Give us this and every day, His words that we would speak again clearly and firmly and without hesitation what is being said in heaven and is ours to speak again upon this earth. His daily word is more important than daily food, so give us words that speak life into ourselves and then to the ones around us. Make us carriers of your river so that where ever we go, liberally and how ever it is needed, we deliver the words that establish and set free the life that is to be found and enjoyed in everyone and everything we interact with.That our words would be good and wholesome sustenance to all that hear, just like your words are also. Yes, let us speak again the words that come from your lips to our ear through our lips to their ear to however far it may go.
    Dad, I thank you, that the communion that we can have, is just like the communion you had and always will have had with Jesus all the days of His life. I love the intensity of the intimacy. I thank you for this birthright of all your children, may we revel in this and bring delight to your heart and our heart too. And may this fellowship grow so that the word may be filled, That Your Glory will cover the earth even as the waters cover the seas.

    (today. I have written enough)

  2. Susan Hurley
    Susan Hurley says:

    Father, as we continue in our 10 Days of Prayer you can just feel the intensity of expectation building more and more each day.…’s such an exciting time to be alive in Christ.

    Father, I declare that you will show us daily how & where to use our new Boldness in every area of influence in our lives, personally & professionally. Boldness will be expressed & look differently in each person’s life depending on people, places & things around us. In my case, I get the awesome privilege of collaborating with an wonderful team of people expressing our Boldness through conceptual ideas and producing media in various forms that are far reaching, literally changing lives everyday. It’s awesome Father to see all that you are flowing through us to others!

    Father, I declare that your word will rise up and flow out of us with a supernatural flow we’ve never experienced before. That speaking your word unashamed according to Rom. 1:16-17, will be as easy as breathing. That we will minister your love to people as never before and oh yes, because that Word is alive, it’s filled with supernatural power that will shatter any resistance that the hearer may have previously had……prepare to see radical salvations right before your eyes!! Gone are the days of a salvation here and a salvation there…this is a new day, 100’s & 1,000’s are coming in at a time, that’s what’s happening now!!

    Father, Matt. 9:37-38 talks about the harvest being great and sending more workers into the field. As I said above that salvations will occur in huge multiples at a time. I declare that workers around the globe and locally will rise up to bring in the harvest of soul’s waiting to come into the kingdom. The word says the world is waiting for the Son’s of God to manifest, watch and see, it’s happening now….the world as we have known it will look majorly different in next weeks, months, & years…….don’t resist change but rather embrace it, we are living in exciting times!!!

    Jesus, I pray and declare all this in your name. You know that I think you’re absolutely amazing and I love you bunches!

  3. Sheryl Sullivan
    Sheryl Sullivan says:

    Lord we honour and magnify you for you are truly great! We thank you that we can laugh at our enemies because you have given us authority over every scheme of the enemy and he is under our feet! Lord I ask you to send out harvesters to bring in the massive harvest you have for us! I declare that our hearts will be filled with passion for the lost! Let us walk in your love and see people through your eyes, reaching out at every opportunity. Open our eyes to see what you see when you look at London, and let us feel what you feel when you see the lost and dying. We want to partner with you Lord to bring in this awesome harvest!

  4. Dan
    Dan says:

    Great is His faithfulness; His mercies begin afresh each morning. Thank you awesome Father that even in a world with broken systems and failed relationships You never change; You love us with unfailing love!

    Thank you for the people we interact with today, we change lives today by the power of Your love, manifesting through us.

    If I move mountains but have not love I am nothing. Wow God; You are committed to our success today! Through the knowledge of how much you love me I am compelled to share Your love with others!

    Walking in Your love requires grace, we no longer try to impress or earn favour but freely enjoy Your Spirit of complete liberty – we are so impressed with You God!! We speak life today to all people and all situations.

  5. Zach Sloane
    Zach Sloane says:

    Father we praise you and thank you so much for all of your blessings and promises that are Yes and Amen in Christ. Thank you for your power toward us who believe. May we see it, understand it, and with great boldness, clarity and conviction live and speak by that power, the power that is effectively working in us. Let the word that is Christ, the power and wisdom of God, prevail in our lives and through us in our communities, relationships, and networks, bearing fruit, making disciples, and tearing down every lofty thing which exalts itself above the true knowledge of God in our land. In the name of Jesus, let eyes be opened, let the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ shine in our hearts, and the hearts of all those who will hear. Amen.

  6. Kelly Michalczyk
    Kelly Michalczyk says:

    Amen! God gave me a verse to share with a family member in need. Exodus 23:25-26 ” I will take sickness away from you. The number of your days I will fulfill.” I am believing for boldness and opportunity!


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