Day 3 of 10 Days Of Prayer, Jan 2022


By: Madeline De Sousa

Proverbs 18:21 “Death and life are in the power of the tongue…”

James 3:3-5 “3 Horses have bits and bridles in their mouths so that we can control and guide their large body. 4 And the same with mighty ships, though they are massive and driven by fierce winds, yet they are steered by a tiny rudder at the direction of the person at the helm. 5 And so the tongue is a small part of the body, yet it carries great power!”

“In their jointly written book, Words Can Change Your Brain, Dr. Andrew Newberg, a neuroscientist at Thomas Jefferson University, and Mark Robert Waldman, a communications expert state, “a single word has the power to influence the expression of genes that regulate physical and emotional stress.” ( )

Your words create worlds, and you have an incredible amount of power in what you believe/say out loud!

God has a tremendous amount of favorable declarations over us and we get to partner with Him in declaring those words. (Jeremiah 29:11, Psalm 139:17)


I believe and I am thankful that God’s promises are working in my life, my family’s lives, my circumstances, and my nation. (Hebrews 11:1)

I will see God’s promises of abundance begin to manifest in 2022! (Psalm 37:25)

Impact Church has such favor with the City of London, our transition into 1200 Commissioners will be very quick and smooth! (Ephesians 1:11)

We declare a healed and healthy world and individuals/families filled with the Prince of Peace! (Matthew 4:23, Romans 15:13)


What do you want to declare over your personal/family life for 2022 year? What are we declaring over this transition as a Church moving forward into a new season? What kind of reality are we going to create with our words?


10 replies
  1. D Karl Thomas
    D Karl Thomas says:

    You have what you say. It is nothing until you say it is something. Word are containers. The words we speak have creative force. Wow! We declare life today over our Impact world. We announce that we are highly blessed and favoured as children of God. We command peace to saturate all we do and we command the winds and waves to be still. We call forth a rich manifestation of your amazing grace in our Impact World! May our dwelling together be an expression of your intoxicating love that draws people to Yourself!

  2. Chuck Butler
    Chuck Butler says:

    Great word! And like Pastor Cheryl was mentioning on Sunday .. its so easy to lend our thoughts and words to negativity.
    Today Lord, we choose to see our words as vehicles, loaded with Good God Resources, being sent forth to accomplish great things … My tongue is the pen of a ready writer, and today, I’m using it to write HIS story, over Impact, over our families, over our work-places, over our neighborhoods .. ..

  3. Zach
    Zach says:

    “By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God…” (Heb. 11:3) We frame our worlds, the Impact family world, with words of peace, health, healing, prosperity, light, life, increase, and revelation, in Jesus name!

  4. Gord Watson
    Gord Watson says:

    Hebrews 1:3a
    The Son is the radiance and only expression of the glory of [our awesome] God [reflecting God’s Shekinah glory, the Light-being, the brilliant light of the divine], and the exact representation and perfect imprint of His [Father’s] essence, and upholding and maintaining and propelling all things [the entire physical and spiritual universe] by His powerful word.

    Father – we agree with the Living Word (Jesus) and reflect back your words of life and peace to every situation we find ourselves in today, this moment. Your word does not return void but accomplishes everything it was sent for. It is our joy and honour to speak with powerful words to a world waiting for the manifestation of the “sons of God”! We decree and declare victory over every oppression and restriction that attempts to limit the revelation of God’s glory in the earth.

  5. Wayne Zimmer
    Wayne Zimmer says:

    Words are so powerful and often the way we express our words allow them to be received or rejected. My prayer in 2022 is to be sensitive to how the Lord wants His word to be spoken in every situation. That we can deliver a message that people are drawn to by the way it is expressed to them. In love, kindness and a real authenticity genuinely caring for those we are speaking with. Even to the point where if we are moved by the Holy Spirit to not say a word or the words we were thinking of that we can be obedient and watch the power of God move in that moment on His word. I’m reminded of Pastor Karl’s chat with Zach about when Zach came and told him he wanted to be a pastor …… sometimes other words expressed under the Holy Spirits directive are the best way and bear the greatest fruit in a particular situation.


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