Day# 7 of 10 Days of Prayer

Day# 7 of 10 Days of Prayer

September 7, 2015

Welcome to Day 7 of ten days of prayer.

Hope you get a chance to drop in and pray. Leave us a note. Even just a short note … Like … “I’m Praying!!!”

Enjoy your Labour Day…..Hope to see you at the Picnic!!


Okay Let’s Pray!!



Spend some time making God big in your life. Proclaim His greatness!!!

See yourself seated with Him, reigning and ruling.

Embrace a bold Spirit!

Be rich in the power of the Word.

Expect your hands to be tools of loosing the blessing … HEALING HANDS!!!

Know that when you use the NAME Of JESUS all the power of Heaven is available.

Pray for our children and young people starting school.

Pray for this to be a great season of transition!!

5 replies
  1. Michael
    Michael says:

    “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.” (James 1:17)

    Father, in this season of change and transition, I give you thanks that you never change, because your nature is constant and unchangeable. Despite the ebbs and flows of my life, I can count on your steady hand on the rudder of my ship. You are faithful and good, and you are always right here with me to guide me into safe harbour. You are my God and you have journeyed with me every day of my life–yesterday, today and forever. Thank you for your favour, faithfulness and goodness to me.

    As we your church family move into this new season of change, I pray your favour and blessing over us. Where there is any fear or uncertainty in the shadows of life, I pray that your perfect peace will flood our hearts as your heavenly light breaks through into our hearts and minds. Thank you, Father, that every gift you provide for each one of your children is good and perfect, and is exactly what we need. Help us to walk in your light with courage, boldness and complete confidence in your ever-present care and provision. You are the Father of Heavenly Lights and we look to you.

    • Kelly Michalczyk
      Kelly Michalczyk says:

      Amen Michael! Love this “I can count on your steady hand on the rudder of my ship. You are faithful and good, and you are always right here with me to guide me into safe harbour. You are my God and you have journeyed with me every day of my life–yesterday, today and forever. Thank you for your favour, faithfulness and goodness to me.” Amen!

  2. Dan
    Dan says:

    We are grateful God for the wise people that we have in our lives; we actively engage with wise council. We pray for an increase in our awareness of the resources that we have right now. Thank you for the provision in the season of transition, You richly supply all our needs.

    We bless our children and students as they go to school, we pray parents will have wisdom and discernment
    as they lead their families. Thank you Jesus that You are the answer to all life’s questions, thank you that you have not given us a spirit of fear but instead given us Your Spirit of power, love and a sound mind.

    Today we walk in assurance that You are with us, our future is secure in You!

  3. Kelly Michalczyk
    Kelly Michalczyk says:

    Praying all our families transition well in this season.

    Thanking God for my Impact Family today – so blessed. I’m praying for the opportunity to share what we have with others.


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