10 Days of Prayer 2019 – Day# 5

10 Days of Prayer 2019 – Day# 5, Where Two or Three are Gathered!
By: Zach Sloane

Welcome to Day 5 of our 10 Days of Prayer!

Yesterday we were praying about the church as an Authentic loving community that manifests the genuine love, nature, glory and goodness of God.

Naturally, thoughts of community lead me to think about actually meeting together, and doing so in small groups. Impact groups are amazing places of connection and communion with one another and with the Lord.

In spite of this, Hebrews 10:25 tells us that there are some people who are actually in the habit of giving up on meeting together with the rest of the church.

Hebrews 10:25 (NIV)
not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”

The truth is, there is a special promise given to those who do gather together in His name.

Matthew 18:20 (NKJV)
“For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.”

Meeting together can look like many different things, but in the early church we constantly see that they met in the temple (in the big group meeting), and they met in houses (face to face, getting involved in each others lives).

Acts 5:42 (NIV)
Day after day, in the temple courts and from house to house, they never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Messiah.

Talking about the meetings that the Corinthians had Paul said, “when you do come together “each of you has a hymn, or a word of instruction, a revelation, a tongue or an interpretation.” He spoke to a community that was excited to gather together and minister to one another.

Let’s pray this also is true about our Impact groups. That we as God’s people would come together on purpose, each one coming ready to participate, to experience Jesus and share what God gives us to share. Let’s pray that our groups and our meetings are explosive places of encounter as we encourage and edify one another .. house to house, face to face!

Click to sign-up for Impact Groups:

Prayer Directives

1. A vision for a truly connected and integrated church life and all its blessings and benefits takes root in each of us.

2. Our small group meetings are marked and characterized by encounters with Jesus and the enjoyment of His presence.

3. Each one would manifest proficiency and love in bringing to each meeting something to bless and build up the family of God. That we would all be givers and sharers of the blessings we have, and enthusiastically look for these opportunities.

4. That in our group relationships and encounters, by the power of the Holy Spirit, we would effectively and powerfully manifest the genuine love of God that only His family is able to demonstrate to the world.

10 Days of Prayer 2019 – Day# 5, Notes to print, PDF

21 replies
  1. Ludovick
    Ludovick says:

    Praise God for unity and communion.
    Lord as we gather and meet together as a family and as small groups let your oil, just like you say it in Psalms 133:1-3, let your oil flow through us head to toe, in Jesus’ Name.

  2. Debby Cook
    Debby Cook says:

    I am so thankful for Your presences Holy Spirit and Impact Church family. I personally have received so much healing spirituality, physically and emotionally in the 2 years I’ve been going to this wonderful church on sundays and in the small groups.
    Oh the Experience! Oh the Experience!
    For all the families of Impact Church I pray Yahweh that You would move in our families lives ( husbands, wives and childrens ) and bring a Yoke of Unity to our families that causes our tent pegs to expand throughout our community and abroad. That we would be continual vessels for Your Glory Father to those around us.
    Thy Kingdom Come,
    Thy Will Be Done,
    On Earth as it is in Heaven.
    Father we give You all the Glory in Jesus Name Amen!

  3. Chuck
    Chuck says:

    Thanking you Lord for corporate revelation of the value, spiritually and mentally/emotionally, in attending Impact Groups.. Especially the South London one!

  4. Karen Elliott
    Karen Elliott says:

    Amen! Bring on the small groups with the big impact ! Let us be like the children of Israel and there be not one feeble person among us because of your healing power O Lord!

  5. D Karl Thomas
    D Karl Thomas says:

    Fulfilling God’s purpose for your life is impossible outside of community. How can I honour all the “one another” directives in the word without community? Father bless our community and bless our small groups. Create a passion in the body for authentic loving relationships. The best way to manifest You to the world is real covenant community. Spirit of God move in the hearts and live of the body at Impact to devote themselves to gathering together. We thank you that our community grows and matured as we place the needs of others before our selves. Love Love Love!!!

  6. Sheryl
    Sheryl says:

    Thank you Lord for the power of authentic community with you in the centre. I pray that our small groups will grow and be blessed and that we will have to add more! Draw people in who have not connected in the past and bring transformation.

  7. Stefan
    Stefan says:

    Praying that everyone at Impact finds a way to connect with one of the midweek groups. Praying that everyone gets a greater revolution of God’s love for them.

  8. Judi
    Judi says:

    May love shine in every area of our church including Impact Groups, may people connect with others and drive out feelings of loneliness and depression. Make us a blessing to our sisters and brothers. Amen

  9. Laurie
    Laurie says:

    Father God, we bless You and thank You for Your Word, the Living Word, that teaches and instructs us how to do life that we may live full and abundant lives saturated with Your glory and Your Presence. May we be filled to overflowing and bubbling up joy as we meet together as a corporate body on weekends and as small groups during the week. You are faithful to fulfill Your Word and so we expect amazing transformation and growth as we meet together, as You show up in our midst and as You lead us to authentic relationships with one another. Blessing, glory and honour to You, our awesome God!

  10. Werner Duever
    Werner Duever says:

    Right on Zach! Corporate prayer and coupes who pray brings the anointing and glory in their lives and sees lives transformed more into the image of Jesus. I love that our church puts an emphasis on prayer.

    Pray always and pray using the Word of God to see your lives and your community transform.

  11. Michael
    Michael says:

    Father, thank you that you have designed us for communion and connection with you and one another. Thank you for our church family where your Presence is so tangible. May we honour and bless your Father’s heart as we love, encourage and bless one another! 💞

  12. Sharon
    Sharon says:

    I am so thankful for the Friday afternoon group as I do not drive at night. Thank you Lord for all the groups and May everyone have a a great time in their groups and learn more about their faith and themselves!

  13. Desmond Ramroop
    Desmond Ramroop says:

    It is so great when we have community.
    The Lord wants us to have that fellowship with each other, to encourage and edify one another.
    The early church had daily fellowship, and they grow from strength to strength. Where ever they went the present of God was with them . Signs wonders and miracles follow them. Jesus do not want us to fail to assemble. He said where two or three are gathered I am in the midst. That is where we get our strength from , by connecting with His Spirit.
    I pray this year we will have growth in our impact groups , multiplication and expansion.
    Praise the Lord He is awesome and majestic and is still on the Throne.

  14. Terry Dewan
    Terry Dewan says:

    Thank-you Jesus for the ability to join in small groups and build up our fellowship in community. Please bless the leadership in setting up more small groups and let them grow in wild expansionism. Praise the Lord for he is so Awesome….

  15. Mike
    Mike says:

    Thank you Lord for the community in You and the fellowship of your Body. Thank you Lord for the coming together of the members of your body and the unity of Love.

  16. Jedrin
    Jedrin says:

    It’s so wonderful to belong to this community of believers. I pray that with one purpose we will be united as we act as God’s representatives herein SW Ontario and beyond. Groups is where we learn to love and share of ourselves with others.


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