10 Days of Prayer 2019 – Day# 6

10 Days of Prayer 2019 – Day# 6
By: Zach Sloane

“The Lord added to their number daily!”

Welcome again to Impact Church’s Ten Days of Prayer.

Imagine what it will look like when we experience daily growth in our life and at our church. Imagine daily growth!

Thats normal New testament Church life in the book of Acts.

Acts 2:47b “…And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.”

Acts 5:14 (NIV)
Nevertheless, more and more men and women believed in the Lord and were added to their number.

Acts 16:5 (NIV)
5 So the churches were strengthened in the faith and grew daily in numbers.

Do you see 2019 as a year when the Lord adds daily to our numbers?

This means more than just new faces! What else do you see? What does it involve? What’s your part?

Growth is great – when Jesus is involved, it’s when, not if.

But, growth involves change and engagement.

Acts 6:1. “In those days when the number of disciples was increasing, the Hellenistic Jewsamong them complained against the Hebraic Jews because their widows were being overlooked in the daily distribution of food.”

It’s when growth happens, that’s when needs arise and opportunities to serve and get involve arise.

In response to this need the apostles found some volunteers, “brothers and sisters full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom,” and they empowered them with responsibility (Acts 6:3).

In 2019 see growth, the Lord Himself adding to His church, and with growth, the increased opportunities to engage and serve! See your part.

Volunteer at Impact Church:


Prayer Directives:

1. Pray that we would see explosive and expansive growth in the number of people coming to know Jesus at Impact church.

2. Pray for opportunities in our lives to INVITE people to church, to come experience for themselves the goodness of God.

3. Pray for volunteers – God’s blessing and refreshing for all those who serve and volunteer at Impact Church.

4. Pray for more volunteers, about what your own role could be, and for willing people filled with the Spirit and wisdom.

 10 Days of Prayer 2019 – Day 6, Notes to print, PDF

25 replies
  1. Ludovick
    Ludovick says:

    We say Amen to that.
    May the Lord indeed increase the number of new members born again to His family through Impact.
    We will also grow as a church in number as well as spiritually and we shall also grow in the knowledge of Him even as we journey through the Bible discovering Jesus through the year 2019 and beyond.

  2. Sharon
    Sharon says:

    I pray that we welcome new people with open arms and treat them as part of our family. I pray that we have hearts of love for our family new and old.

  3. Stefan
    Stefan says:

    Praying for explosive, exponential growth this year.

    Offering up praise and thanks for all those who volunteer their time and talent(s) at Impact, and praying for more people to get involved.

  4. Desmond Ramroop
    Desmond Ramroop says:

    Thank you Lord for your faithfulness.
    Thank you for the opportunity that we can be part of the vine yard.Praying for more volunteers and new believers into the kingdom.
    Souls are your heart beat, help us to be fully engaged in our calling.
    I pray that you will move us from our comfort zone, and step out to our callings.
    I pray that 2019 is a new beginning for us , where we will put our faith into action.
    Holy Spirit take full control.
    Praise Jesus Name

  5. Werner Duever
    Werner Duever says:

    I pray that new people who accept Jesus would be added daily at Impact Church. I pray for explosive growth for believers at church and in their businesses and the personal lives as well. More and more Lord!

  6. Pat
    Pat says:

    Lord I’d thank you that as people are driving around the city and see the billboards that have been put up that they would be curious and pay Impact a visit to see what the billboards are all about. Out of that visit I thank you that they will have a desire arise to come to know you and give their heart to you.
    Thank you for the volunteers we have now and I pray for a refreshing for them as we continue into 2019. And I thank you for the new volunteers that will rise up to minister to all the new believers that become part of Impact.

  7. Devika Ramroop
    Devika Ramroop says:

    Praying for more souls to come into the Kingdom. Father we desire to know You more and grow daily in your Love so that it overflows through us and bring change to those around me. Fill us with your Holy Spirit today and daily. We need you !!
    Overwhelm us in your Love!! Give us discernment to see the things that are preventing us from doing Your will. Help us and heal us from the things we don’t have control over, for you are the God who heals !! and God of the impossible!! We lift Your Name higher than any other no matter what the circumstances may be, so that others can see You are worthy to be praise and be drawn to Your love!

  8. Laurie
    Laurie says:

    Almighty God, may 2019 be the year that we see Impact Church being in nature as the New testament Church in the book of Acts. We call in those from the City of London and surrounding area who need Your touch, Your love, Your grace and Your salvation. There are many, Father. We ask, Holy Spirit, that You would soften hearts and speak through dreams, visions, billboards, music and through the lives of those who love You to move those hurting and lost to the place of needing to seek Jesus out at Impact or other vibrant, Spirit-filled Christian communities. Lord, we ask that You would protect the work that You are doing even now in hearts and that Your still small voice, the nudge of the Holy Spirit, the love of Jesus would not be ignored, could not be ignored. We give You praise in advance, God, for the salvation and transformation of many, many lives in 2019! We also give You thanks and praise for the ‘filling up’ of the SNS at Impact, for the current volunteers at Impact Church and for new volunteers that You will bring forward. We love You, God, Jesus and Holy Spirit! Amen.

  9. Chantelle Lowes
    Chantelle Lowes says:

    Yes!!! I’m a volunteer coordinator at my work and volunteers are amazing!!!! I declare a flood of people to Impact to learn and find who they are in Jesus and to experience the incredible freedom that comes from our good good God!! I declare that impact becomes a collective of all people doing the work. That people will be filled with energy, motivation, passion and creativity to plug in and volunteer and connect with a team!! That God continues to create community and that impact becomes the safe place for people to encounter God in new and profound ways!!! That we be a people who love and love hard!!! In Jesus name let’s declare fruit fruit and more fruit!!


    Bless the volunteers that give up their day because they have their whole heart in something they believe in. Let God be a voice calling all that want to know him to Impact Church. I pray that all who we talk to have an open mind and heart to accept Jesus into their lives.

  11. Madeline
    Madeline says:

    Thank you Jesus for Impacters that are so overflowing with life that it just oozes over ministers to the world around them:) I pray for divine appointments to share about God’s goodness and tell people the GOOD NEws! I pray that when people coome to impact they feel like they are welcome and that they are home <3 I pray for strength for the volunteers and that they would be all filled up as they fill up others. I pray for Impacters to have revelations of how awesome they are and the gifts that God has placed inside of them! And I pray for an eager willingness to share their gifts! Thank you Jesus, amen:)

  12. Terry and Deborah Dewan
    Terry and Deborah Dewan says:

    We learned from Zach’s teaching about what the people in the early church experienced when the Holy Spirit ushered many new believers into their church family….people giving their hearts to the Lord daily. This wonderful growth caused many changes and new responsibilities presented itself. Zach painted a picture so we also can see that occurring as our Impact Church Family grows. We echo the call for more volunteers at Impact Church and a special refreshing for those who already volunteer. (some in more than one position). We have learned that when you give to others, sharing God’s passion, His love and your testimony … you receive more in return!. Blessings to one and all today

  13. Kelly M
    Kelly M says:

    Thank You for every volunteer at Impact Church. I pray each one would experience your renewing, refreshing, and replenishing in their lives. I pray that Impact volunteers would gain transferrable skills whose excellence would be obvious and a blessing everywhere. I pray that You would help us to equip people and that more people would be led to serve. Thank you for the opportunity we have to partner with you. Thank you for the opportunity to invite people. I pray that each and every week our seats would be full of new people who experience your goodness and love. Thank you and help us prepare as we continue to grow.

  14. Wayne
    Wayne says:

    Great way to finish off an awesome day. Zach you always have a way of making me think bigger …. going beyond where my thoughts were heading and ending up in an even more hopeful vision for our church. I want say bring it Lord bring it on because Grace is here to accomplish His purposes just like when it all began and even more so today. Let the bellows of His breath blow on this fire and let the breath of our proclaimation of the goodness of God join with His to increase the flame. Let the fire, that all consuming fire burn in every nation in 2019.


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